Le mot du Bureau

Juin 2024

Notre association est dans sa douzième année et compte 450 adhérents. Elle est toujours particulièrement active. En témoignent les nombreuses lettres que nous recevons et les articles et récits que vous nous envoyez régulièrement. Bien sûr, nous aimerions être encore plus nombreux tout en gardant l’esprit de camaraderie et de convivialité qui nous caractérise et nous recevons régulièrement des adhésions, peut-être en nombre trop réduit. En attendant, nous continuons notre « petit » bonhomme de chemin et nous en sommes très satisfaits.
Nous sommes en été, le Tour de France et les Jeux Olympiques arrivent : alors, bonnes vacances bien sportives !

Le Bureau

samedi 9 juin 2018

Article intéressant du Lancet du 1er mai 2016

Jean-Marie Milleliri (#002) signale à Ceux du Pharo un article de Laëtitia Atlani-Duault et al., paru dans the Lancet le 1er mai 2016, ayant pour titre:

State humanitarian verticalism versus universal health coverage: a century of French international health assistance revisited.

Le contenu est en accès libre, mais à condition de s'inscrire (gratuitement) dans la base du Lancet, sauf bien sûr si vous disposez d'un accès institutionnel.

The French contribution to global public health over the past two centuries has been marked by a
fundamental tension between two approaches: State-provided universal free health care and what we propose to call State humanitarian verticalism. Both approaches have historical roots in French colonialism and have led to successes and failures that continue until the present day. In this paper, the second in The Lancet's Series on France, we look at how this tension has evolved. During the French colonial period (1890s to 1950s), the Indigenous Medical Assistance structure was supposed to bring metropolitan France's model of universal and free public health care to the colonies, and French State imperial humanitarianism crystallised in vertical programmes inspired by Louis Pasteur, while vying with early private humanitarian activism in health represented by Albert Schweitzer. From decolonisation to the end of the Cold War (1960–99), French assistance to newly independent states was affected by sans frontièrisme, Health for All, and the AIDS pandemic. Since 2000, France has had an active role in development of global health initiatives and favoured multilateral action for health assistance. Today, with adoption of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the challenges of non-communicable diseases, economic inequality, and climate change, French international health assistance needs new direction. In the context of current debate over global health as a universal goal, understanding and acknowledging France's history could help strengthen advocacy in favour of universal health coverage and contribute to advancing global equity through income redistribution, from healthy populations to people who are sick and from wealthy individuals to those who are poor.

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